Story Quilt Project

Why I created this project….Jean….

My mother Jewell and I embarked on this project many years before she passed away. She and I had discussed how important it is to have these quilt stories written down. Many quilters may think the same thing….’I 
should write that down’. Thank goodness my mother kept all her notes, almost. There are several quilts that sprang from her memory about our personal family. She did not have to do research or write anything down – it was, of course, all part of her wonderful memory of our family. Sadly, I have but few stories I can share about those quits, as they are her personal memories. She took them with her to the Lord when she passed. That is one reason why I strongly encourage all quilters to write, tell, tape, video the story of the special quilts they are making for their grandchildren, children, weddings, college trips….they must be photographed and the story told. Relying on the memory is simply not enough. Thank goodness I have quite a lot of stories to share. Jewell’s beloved Montana is her gift for you all.

Jean Wakely

Since 2011, Jean Wakely has taken on the role of Storyteller of her mother’s quilts. Working alongside her mother and helping her to create booklets and video recordings of her storytelling, Jean has enjoyed the intricate details of sharing the collected stories of her Mother, Montana, History, and especially of Women’s struggles and triumphs.

As author and keynote speaker, Jean can tell one quilt story or carry the audience with several quilts. Audiences love to join in when their memory is triggered, and they jump to share their own story as well. Our lives are a collection of stories from tragic to hilarious; it is the human condition. We are all blessed by the telling of a story.

Jean’s mission is to remind everyone that we must tell our story or it will die. Tell the story to keep family memories alive, to learn life’s lessons. We all must be storytellers of ourselves, our family, and our community.

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